ここは ラリーの 部屋よ d=(^o^)=b イエイ
彼が住んでいるのは アメリカのミルウォーキー
リンカーンの前にいる かっこいいナイスガイ みえたでしょ?
なんてったって ミルウォーキー!ビールの本場だよ! this is Larry!
なんと ラリーはペンシルベニアに住んでいる
sherryとfall in love!!!
やるねぇ! コイツゥ ( *^)/☆(+。+*)キャッ

*** スイートポテト・パイ ***
maymama and her youngest son made it!

Sweet Potato Pie Filling as follows:
2 eggs
2 cups mashed sweet potatos
3/4 cup white sugar(granulated)
1 1/2 cups milk
2 tablespoons melted butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon cloves
Whiiped cream topping, with ginger

In an electric mixer or bowl, beat eggs, then add the sweet potatos and beat well.
Beat in sugar, milk, melted butter, salt, and ginger, and nutmeg.
Set pan containing 9" premade pastry shell on baking sheet for ease of handling.
Pour the perpared filling into the pastry shell, set baking pan in center of oven for forty to fifty minutes, or until the top is golden brown, test the pie with a fork to see that it is done, if the fork comes out dry, it's done, cool and top with whipped cream topping.....
\( 〇 ⌒   ▽   ⌒ 〇 )/わぁい♪

ラリーが送ってくれた写真の数々! どんどんふえるよ!
ぺこ <(_ _)> 少しずつ日本語にしていくからね! ちょっとお待ちを〜〜〜

There is a house here in Milwaukee on the east side that is made from an old tugboat,
it's very pretty, and it's built right off the Milwaukee river...

ハーレーダビッドソン 知ってるよね!
あの かっこいい大型オートバイだよ!
Harley Davidson motorcycles, are built right here in Milwaukee,
that's where the company was first originated, and it's still there,
it's located on highway 100 and Burleigh on the north west side of Milwaukee...
it's a very large plant, where they manufacture the evolution motor,
and build the rest, in Tommahawk Wisconsin....
they have plants also in Pennsylvania, but the original is right here in Milwaukee....
Harley, and Davidson, are from Milwaukee...

the Iron Mine In Minnesota
this is a very huge park. huge, can you imagine it?
in Japan, i think there is nowhere as this.
Lake Leandor, in Chisholm, Minnesota
it is a very small park, but very lovely...
i need no word for these beautiful scenery

icecream shop, of course, and is the best of the world
--- Larry says! ---
this is Milwaukee at Midnight"....

"Milwaukee from the air"...
Milwaukee downtown and it shows the lakefront, that's lake Michigan..
Milwaukee was first settled by the Indians, and is called Potawotami in their language...."gather of many friends"

Do you know the names of Lakes?
Lake Huron, lake Superior, lake Michigan, lake Erie, and Ontario...
